Second hand silicon carbide SIC refractory slabs

Second hand silicon carbide SIC refractory slabs

Location:Isola Vicentina, Italy


N ° 193 Silicon Carbide SIC refractory slabs with dimension 390 x 390 x 15 mm

** The quantity is indicated "Barring sales"

The minimum qiuantity order is 30 pcs.

Attention !! All the plates have one side perfectly clean while the other has a translucent surface dirty with superficial enamel residues.

There is no mention of large drips very in relief but of superficial dirt extended to almost the entire surface of the plate.

The plates that, following an inspection carried out at the time of placing on the pallet, will be broken or excessively bent, will not be delivered.

The quantities indicated above are not precise and may vary by more or less 10 - 15 pcs following an accurate check.

We advise customers to personally view the material before purchasing.

Customers will not be allowed to make a choice of all plates in excellent condition leaving those with slight defects.

There is a discount for the global purchase of the whole lot.


Stock Number1841122